For those who still doubt the efficacy of hypnosis applied to solving psychosomatic problems, perhaps the case of common warts provides the best evidence of its effectiveness, quick action and dramatic results.

Vulgar warts are unsightly, raised skin elevations that commonly appear on the back of the hands, fingers, and around the nails, sometimes on the face and other parts of the body.

Warts are not caused by pointing at the rainbow or by grabbing a toad, as your aunt told you, the cause of warts is a virus called Human Papilloma Virus that is acquired by direct contact, and that can be autoinoculated to others parts of the body or transmit them to other members of the family. They generally affect school-age children, adolescents and, to a lesser extent, adults. They cause little discomfort; a little itching, sometimes burning, the biggest problem being the aesthetic type; they look horrible and are disgusting.

The medical treatment of warts ranges from the application of chemical substances to kill the cells affected by the virus, application of freezing substances (liquid nitrogen), application of laser rays, electrocoagulation and even surgical removal.

However, few know that the simplest and most effective treatment to make vulgar warts disappear is the suggestion managed under hypnosis, and it is so effective that sometimes a single session is enough.

How is it possible for a virus to have this susceptibility to hypnosis? You may wonder, and with good reason. It seems that the suggestions that are provided during the hypnosis session have an effect on the blood circulation that nourishes these viruses and keeps them alive, once changes are made in the blood circulation of the affected areas this causes the viruses to die and so the warts disappear as if by magic.

In fact, it is not wonderful how the mind manifests its power over the physical or the material, as in this case