There are many misconceptions that people have about hypnosis. This article aims to dispel the common myths and misconceptions that circulate about hypnosis.

1.“Only People With a Weak mind are Susceptible to Hypnosis”

Hypnosis is not used to portray someone’s mental power. For hypnosis to work, a collaborative effort is needed in terms of concentration, intelligence, imagination, and the ability to focus.

2.“The Hypnotist has Tremendous Mental Powers”

A hypnotist is an ordinary person, a healthcare professional who has received training in the theory, procedures, and the applications of hypnosis.

People who are uncertain about the use of hypnosis will assume that they will lose the ability to say or do things they do not wish to say or do because of a person who holds great mental power over them. This is an irrational fear because the person under hypnosis never loses control of their actions. The person always remains conscious of their surroundings, hears what is being spoken about, and is able to respond to questions freely.

3.“Hypnosis can be Dangerous to One’s Health”

The hypnotic trance is a natural characteristic of the nervous system. It even occurs spontaneously, and it does not have any negative side effects. But if hypnosis is conducted by someone who has not had the proper training, it can certainly cause problems to the person that is receiving the treatment.

4.“I will be Stuck in a Hypnotic Trance”

This will never occur. A person under a hypnotic trance is able to come out of it on his own in a natural way.

5.“No one can Hypnotize me.”

Everyone is susceptible to experience a hypnotic trance and in fact, this occurs spontaneously in your everyday life. For example, when you are reading an interesting book or when you get absorbed into a great movie you are watching. During these moments, you are allowing yourself to escape your environment and you are completely entranced in the dramatic scene of the movie or the narrative of the book.

However, small children, people with learning disabilities or people with mental health issues who have problems concentrating are not susceptible to hypnosis.

6.“Having your Eyes Closed is Necessary to Enter a Hypnotic Trance.”

In the traditional practice of hypnosis, total relaxation and having the eyes closed is encouraged so that the person is not distracted by outside sources in order to focus internally. However, it is possible to enter a trance like state without being completely relaxed and having your eyes closed.

7.“During Hypnosis, you Fall Asleep and you Lose Consciousness.”

A person under hypnosis is not asleep; that person is self-aware and aware of his surroundings. You are able to hear any sounds in your environment, you are able to hear what the hypnotist is saying, and you are able to verbally communicate or to communicate with head gestures such as nodding.