When a relationship ends, the world seems to collapse, the sense of living is lost, and sadness invades the soul as we become aware that the world you were used to no longer exists.

Life seems to continue as always but inside you there is only a great emptiness, and in that immense sense of loneliness there only seems to be the desire to be close to the person you love, to listen to his voice, to know what he is doing, which would be the only way to ease the pain and anguish of separation.

The imagination creates fantasies of reconciliation, it imagines that a phone call, or perhaps a text can achieve the magic of coming back again, but there are moments of lucidity and the compulsiveness stops to give rise to a feeling of shame for the fact of harboring. those childish thoughts of reconciliation.

Days pass and the cycle of torment repeats itself with the same pain, the same anguish and the other physical and emotional symptoms of grief over the loss of love.

In this period of confusion and uncertainty, we try to find answers that justify the final outcome, but no reasons are identified that can provide peace to the storm of emotions.

Time passes and the weight of reality is crushing all fanciful attempts to evade the reality of the facts and thus the anguish, pain and sadness gradually give way.

Then it is realized that in that relationship he was more deserving and very little was received, thus arising a feeling of dissatisfaction, injustice, which will change the perspective of events and thus anger or anger towards the person who was born formerly an object of adoration.

Eventually defeat is accepted, with the awareness that it had to be that way, or that it was the best for both of us.