The Rupture

When a relationship ends, the world seems to collapse, the sense of living is lost, and sadness invades the soul as we become aware that the world you were used to no longer exists. Life seems to continue as always but inside you there is only a great emptiness, and in that immense sense of loneliness there only seems to be the desire to be close to the person you love, to listen to his… Read more

Stress and Anxiety Intervention

A natural and frequently asked question is how hypnosis works to mitigate the effects of stress and anxiety. In a very schematic way I describe the sequence of events in a typical hypnosis session. The therapist initiates the session by requiring the individual to settle into the chair as comfortably as possible and to relax physically and mentally in order to increase his receptivity to the instructions of the therapist. It may require you to… Read more

Emotional Impact of the Pandemic

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has exposed us to a series of extraordinary circumstances that we have never experienced before.In this unusual context, it is natural for us to react with stress, anxiety and depression. Stress is a normal physiological response to abnormal situations. It allows the organism to adapt to circumstances that we face; either positive or negative. Anxiety is a reaction to a threat that we still do not know, something dangerous or harmful… Read more

Vulgar Warts

For those who still doubt the efficacy of hypnosis applied to solving psychosomatic problems, perhaps the case of common warts provides the best evidence of its effectiveness, quick action and dramatic results. Vulgar warts are unsightly, raised skin elevations that commonly appear on the back of the hands, fingers, and around the nails, sometimes on the face and other parts of the body. Warts are not caused by pointing at the rainbow or by grabbing… Read more

7 Misconceptions About Hypnosis

There are many misconceptions that people have about hypnosis. This article aims to dispel the common myths and misconceptions that circulate about hypnosis. 1.“Only People With a Weak mind are Susceptible to Hypnosis” Hypnosis is not used to portray someone’s mental power. For hypnosis to work, a collaborative effort is needed in terms of concentration, intelligence, imagination, and the ability to focus. 2.“The Hypnotist has Tremendous Mental Powers” A hypnotist is an ordinary person, a… Read more