A natural and frequently asked question is how hypnosis works to mitigate the effects of stress and anxiety.

In a very schematic way I describe the sequence of events in a typical hypnosis session.

The therapist initiates the session by requiring the individual to settle into the chair as comfortably as possible and to relax physically and mentally in order to increase his receptivity to the instructions of the therapist.

It may require you to fix your eyes on some point, or to focus on recalling in detail in memory of a pleasant experience you had.

As you allow yourself to be guided by the voice of the therapist, you will be entering a hypnotic trance and this will guide you into a deeper trance that allows you to establish effective communication with your subconscious mind and thus have access to explore the true causes of your stress or the anxiety.

When at this subconscious level it is possible to identify the origin of the problem, this is the moment for the therapist to suggest possible solutions that allow the necessary changes aimed at healing.

In drug therapy, the focus is on eliminating the symptoms that the individual presents, leaving the root of the problem intact, thus the person remains vulnerable to repeat more episodes of stress and anxiety when the effects of the drug diminish.

In brief, the advantages of hypnosis can be summarized in the following points:

  1. It allows to identify the origin of the problem at a subconscious level.
  2. A solution to the problem is achieved in an effective and permanent way.
  3. The hypnosis process does not take long.
  4. Hypnosis leaves no side effects